New Bodies formed for the Strategic Plan
October 28th 2011
Plenary Council Meeting on Thursday October 27th unanimously approved the following steps in drawing up a Strategic Plan
a) In the immediate term: Plan for Economic and Social Dynamism of the Town
b) Institutional Council composed of representatives of all stakeholders
c) A steering Committee to set up a technical Office for the Strategic Plan, and provide it with with human, material and financial resources and a series of public awareness activities.
d) Training in strategic urban planning through conferences by experts and courses in urban management.
d) Five forums / consultative Committees on tourism, economic promotion, education and culture, social welfare, land and environment
The Town Hall to convene the advisory forums in the coming weeks The entire Council endorses the drafting of an economic stimulus plan
Javea. Friday, 21 October 2011.
The Javea Town Council is moving forward with the preparation of the Strategic Plan. On Thursday afternoon, the entire Council was convened by mayor José Chulvi to listen to economic advisor Antonio Martinez explain in detail the work schedule to be expected in the coming months with the objective of drafting a document that reflects all the actions and projects needed to set Javea on the right track towards a solvent economic future.
According to Chulvi, all the political groups represented in the Town Council were called to this meeting because it is the wish of the Executive Board that this important tool is a document that is the fruit of a "consensus" in which all sides are represented. This is proof that "we want the project to succeed, regardless of future political circumstances," he stated.
In this regard, the mayor declared that at next Thursday’s Plenary Session, a joint motion would be presented by all the municipal groups that reflects the conviction that a Strategic Plan is necessary, this way sealing the commitment with a promise shared by all in their programmes of the last elections. The show of unity by the Javea Town Council to work towards the Municipal Strategic Plan was praised by the adviser, who remarked that this has not been possible in other municipalities due to political rivalries.
Now that Antonio Martinez has briefed both the Councillors and the public with the September 30th conference, the five advisory forums (tourism, economic development, education and culture, social welfare, planning and environment) will begin their meetings during the month of November and put forth their ideas. The proposals will be analyzed to verify their feasibility and will then be included in an initial draft of the stimulus document that will be completed with the findings of a second round of meetings held in January.
Nevertheless, the mayor of Javea made it clear that this does not mean that the Executive will wait until the entire process is completed before taking action. "If we see that certain interventions are necessary and can be carried out, they will be executed immediately". In this way they hope to create excitement and motivate the citizenship to participate, as this will be a demonstration that their opinions are taken into account, that their ideas are useful and that this process is more than mere theorizing.
With respect to this participation, the Town Council has commissioned a web page through which everyone will soon be able to interact with the Strategic Plan. There they will be able to both make proposals and keep track of the entire process.
For previous press release see: Strategic Plan 2011
Wednesday 16th May 2012