Press Release
Javea. 1 August 2011.
This morning the Javea Town Board has agreed to terminate the contract with the company that won the tender to implement a computer application to improve the tax administration and collection systems. The contract was made possible by a 130,000 euros grant from the second State Investment Fund (Plan E), but due to the breach of contract, the executive has expedited the procedure to declare the contract void and reopen the submission of tenders before these important funds are lost.
According to Mayor Jose Chulvi, although swift action was taken to rescind the contract, it was necessary to wait for a report from the Consell Jurídic Consultiu endorsing the Town Council’s reasoning that the company was unable to fulfil their contract. In addition, the Councillor for Finance, Oscar Anton has already contacted several companies and found many that are willing and able to get the job done before December 31, the date of the grant deadline. The new tool will streamline the tax collection system such as property tax (IBI) or capital gains (plusvalía), and will be compatible with e-government.
The Town Board also approved the leasing of two new police vehicles. The long-term lease includes full servicing, repairs and insurance. According to the Mayor, the advantage of the leasing system is that it will reduce costs without diminishing the resources needed by the local police. Other issues addressed in this week’s Executive Board Meeting were the authorisation of the use of the Arenal Beach for the XV Volleyball Open, which will take place this weekend, and the granting of numerous licenses: Opening (1) , environmental (4), building (3), minor works (8) and first occupation (2).