Javea has one of the last trawlers built in the traditional Valencian fashion
The “Pacurri” to be kept on municipal land awaiting funding for its restoration
Javea. Wednesday, 16 November 2011.
The Associació de Barques Tradicionals de Xàbia has moved the boat named “Pacurri” to municipal land assigned by the Department of Patrimony. It has been transferred to a recently cleared plot of municipal land next to the Canal de la Fontana which has been secured by the council’s Department of Services. The boat will remain on site until funding can be found to restore it for use as an educational resource for the study of sailing heritage as well as a tourist attraction.
This is the objective of the Associació de Barques Tradicionals de Xàbia, which was formed precisely to safeguard the rich maritime heritage of the area and has been keen on renovating the ‘Pacurri’ since 2005.
The traditional trawler was built in 1932 and had been anchored in Calp since it was taken out of service, and has been in the shipyard of Belliure since 2008. According to explanations given by the Museum, the boat is very interesting from the standpoint of cultural heritage because, because although it had been fitted out for motoring, the trawler was one of the last to have been built following the traditional model of Valencian lateen sail boat. Once restored and rigged, it will remain as a "llaut" of the early twentieth century, but with all the navigation and safety systems worthy of a modern passenger vessel.
When the association decided to restore the Pacurri, they asked for the collaboration of the Javea Town Hall, as the support of the administration was essential to the acquisition of the vessel. The Town Hall agreed to the acquisition once they were made aware of the opportunities it presented with respect to the dissemination of traditional seafaring heritage and its symbolic value for the image of Javea, and in 2006 they acquired 50% ownership with the condition of non- transfer of ownership and non- fishing activity.
The bureaucratic process has been long. The proper paperwork to start the restoration was not issued until 2008. Those three years moored in Calpe without the proper maintenance needed for a wooden boat took its toll, and in December 2008 it lay half submerged. This forced the shipyard owners to lift it into dry land, which further damaged the already deteriorated wooden hull. Swift restoration was essential to prevent the loss of such a fine traditional boat.
A renovation project has been endorsed by the Colegio de Oficial de Ingenieros Navales. However, the cost of the work required is around 400,000 euros and the association continues to look for ways to finance the project as well as other ways to at least get it started.

See also, detailed article on Xàbia al Día: