Traffic Tickets

June 1st 2009
(From Costa Blanca News)
PAYING off a traffic ticket is now quicker and easier than ever after the Traffic Department's launch of an online payment system that allows ticketed drivers to pay via internet.

Traffic Department (DGT) officials say the system, which can be used for any fine within the voluntary payment period, has been operational in a test phase since May 5, and by the time the full rollout was announced last week had already received online payment of more than 2,000 fines.

To make online payments users must go to the DGT website ( and click on the link titled ‘Trámites y Multas: Jefatura Virtual'. On the resulting page they should go to the section titled ‘¿Alguna Multa?, and once there select ‘Pago de Multas', and on the next page click on ‘Pago de Multas en Internet'. They will then be asked to indicate whether the payment is to be made with or without using a ‘digital signature' or ‘smart DNI' (it is not necessary to have either of those in order to make the online payment).

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