The Women’s Entrepreneurship Conference analysed the keys and funding opportunities for self-employed women.
Javea. Monday, November 14, 2011.
Many actual and aspiring business women and small business owners gathered Saturday at the Parador for the Women’s Entrepreneurship Conference organized by the Javea Town Hall and the Department of Equal Rights. The morning-long event was inaugurated by the Spanish Government’s Minister for Health, Social Policy and Equality, Leire Pajin, and the mayor of Javea, José Chulvi.
The mayor highlighted the double workload that many women face - besides working, they are responsible for the primary caregiving of their families and lamented that, in times of crisis, the progress that has been achieved through Labor Conciliation Act is being jeopardized.
Chulvi spoke to the achievements of the Javea Women in Business Association (MEJ), who are spearheading many training measures and assisting other women who want to start their own businesses.
On her part, Leire Pajin spoke of the need for further progress in implementing measures to boost the employability of women, improving their training and career development and stressed that you we cannot afford to waste the talents of more than half of population, much less, at present, when their talent is needed overcome the current crisis.
Throughout the entire morning, the attendees were able to listen to the advice of notable women in the world of business, such as Inmaculada Álvarez Morillas, who, on top of chairing the Organization of Women in Business and Active Management (Omega), which has more than 6000 members in Spain, also chairs the Spanish Association of Women in Business of Madrid (ASEM) since 1985 and the Iberamerican Federation of Women in Business (Fide). She is a leader who was awarded the Clara Campoamor in 2008 for her work in promoting equal rights and opportunities for women.
Morillas Alvarez spoke about her personal experience and made the work of OMEGA available to those present to help prepare their business plans and mediate in the application of microcredits needed to start their businesses.
Then Grace Orts provided all the information on support programs that are available in the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante, while Arline Francis presented to the local chapter of Women in Business (MEJ).
In a later round table panel, details were offered on the resources available to women, from both the Town Hall’s Economic Development Department and the Consortium for Economic Recovery and Activity of the Marina Alta (Creama). They also discussed the benefits of joining business associations such as the Circle of Entrepreneurs of the Marina Alta or, locally, the Women in Business Association, that in a little under a year has served to unite women in business and channel the demand for training courses offered by the Town Hall or Creama.
The conference served to offer first-hand experiences of several entrepreneurs and especially to counter the pessimism that has spread due to the crisis. Various agencies launched the message that success is possible, but only if you give it a try.
One hundred people attended the Entrepreneurship Conference at the Parador, including Deputy General Director of Equality in Employment Promotion and support to women entrepreneurs, Luis Simó, the deputy of the Government in Alicante, Jose Perez, and head of the local Department for Economic Development, Juan Luis Cardona, and Equality, Empar Bolufer.