José Chulvi. Salary: €50,000 per year (Not taken - retained for use in employment and training programmes)
Area: Urban development and Environment
-Isabel Bolufer: Urban development and personnel. Full time - Salary: €42,000 per year
-Paco Torres:Water management, Urban landscape, Municipal company. Part Time - Salary €25,000 per year
-Kika Mata: Public works, services. Full time - Salary: €42,000 per year.
-Doris Courcelles: relations with foreign residents, environment, parks, gardens, and urbanisations. Part Time - Salary €25,000 per year - gro.aibaxja|sellecruoc.sirod#gro.aibaxja|sellecruoc.sirod
Area: Finance
-Toni Miragall: Finance and Fiestas. Full time - Salary: €42,000 per year.
-Marta Bañuls: Recruitment, Internal regulations and the Port area Part Time - Salary €25,000 per year - gro.aibaxja|slunab.atram#gro.aibaxja|slunab.atram
-Pepa Gisbert: Social services, health public safety. Full time - Salary: €42,000 per year
Area: Economic development
-Cesc Camprubí: economic development and strategic plan.
-Pilar Zamora: tourism, heritage and Arenal area. Part Time - Salary €25,000 per year - gro.aibaxja|aromaz.ralip#gro.aibaxja|aromaz.ralip
-Ximo Segarra: youth and new technologies.
-José Luis Luengo: Civil protection, activities, mobility and Thiviers area. Part Time - Salary €25,000 per year - gro.aibaxja|ogneul.siul.esoj#gro.aibaxja|ogneul.siul.esoj
-Tere Bisquert: agriculture, fishing, Municipal market, fairs and markets. Part Time - Salary €25,000 per year ( non-affiliated councillor)
Area: Culture
-Quico Moragues: culture.
-Montse Villaverde: education, equality and citizen participation, Counselling centre,, Frechinal area. Part Time - Salary €25,000 per year - gro.aibaxja|edrevalliv.estnom#gro.aibaxja|edrevalliv.estnom
-Vicent Colomer: sports. (Compromis councillor)
Opposition councillors:
Partido Popular
Tere Ern
Juanjo Garcia
Other Non-affiliated councillors:
Óscar Antón
Juan Ortolá
Juan Luis Cardona
Governing Board
José Chulvi,
Isabel Boluferl, Antonio Miragall, Quico Moragues, Cesc Camprubí, Pepa Gisbert, Kika Mata and Martha Bañuls. These same councilors (and the same order) have been appointed deputy mayors.
Party Spokesmen Committee
José Chulvi and representatives of the three formal municipal groups Isabel Bolufer (PSPV), Tere Ern (PP) and by Vicent Colomer (Compromís). (XD and CJP coalition not represented , since their grouping has not been formally constituted)
Cargos de Confianza ( Positions of Trust i.e. - Short term Political Civil servant Appointments) : seven at salaries of €24,793 ( Group C civil servant salary)
Note: there will not be a secretary for the two councillors of the opposition PP party