Xàbia Folk 2012


The 11th edition of the Xàbia Folk Festival proved a great success among the attending public

The Culture Department offers a free workshop on Greek dances this Friday

Javea. Monday, 7th May 2012.
The recital offered yesterday by the composer and performer from Toledo, Ana Alcaide, closed the XI edition of the Xabia Folk Festival, which proved to be a huge hit this year with over 600 spectators per night attending these concerts. According to the Councillor for Culture, Empar Bolufer, the quality of the performers selected for this folk music cycle was largely responsible for the huge success of this year's edition, as well as the new weather-proof venue protected by a tent, which encouraged a larger turnout.

The Xabia Folk Festival opened last Tuesday with the local band, Romantica del Saladar, who presented the songs from their album "Casino Jalouse", with special staging by the Pedreguer School of Theatre. Friday saw the performance of “Las Migas”, a heterodox flamenco group that incorporates Central European gipsy and Mediterranean sounds, delighting the audience with their brilliant staging. The festive atmosphere and empathy between Las Migas and the public encouraged the singer, Alba Carmona, to dance some flamenco on stage.

On Saturday the impressive percussion band, Coetus, took over. Drums, tambourines and various tools turned into instruments thrilled the spectators with surprising and refreshing versions of popular songs from all the regions accompanied by the voices of Eliseo Parra, Ana Rossi and Judith Nedermann.
The three large format concerts were followed by the special and intimate recital offered yesterday by Ana Alcaide in the chapel of Santa Llúcia, which was also attended by a large audience that had to climb up the little hill to get there. The singer offered a repertoire of Sephardic songs accompanied by the Nyckelharpa, a peculiar traditional Swedish musical instrument that evokes the medieval period and which she later allowed the audience to examine up close.

Following the success of the folk festival, on Friday as part of the cycle ¡Los Viernes, que no pare la música! (or Don't stop the music on Fridays), another traditional-music-related activity will be offered, in this case a workshop on Greek dances.
The dance workshop is scheduled for this Friday, 11th May at 8.30 pm in the Plaza de Baix and will be taught by Nuria Quadrada in collaboration with the Romantic del Saladar. Among the dances rooted in the Carpathians that you will be able to learn is the sirtaki, along with other easy-to-learn dances. The workshop is free of charge.

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