The 10 proposals which form the "Sorolla project" put forward by Xàbia Histórica in August 2017
Source: Xabia al Dia
1) Sorolla Museum in the Bover House .
We propose to the Town hall that it initiates talks with the ownsers of the house that is next to Mercat Municipal to use it like a museum that reflects the connection of Xàbia with the painter Joaquin Sorolla.
2) Balenciaga house .
Creation of another cultural point at the Casa de la Candelaria. An old dwelling that the town hall has propped up and which could host a museum of this well-known dressmaker who spent his last days in Xàbia.
3) Solution to the poor result of the exploitation plan of the Municipal Market . A market in which there are five empty stalls and comply with the agreement of the local Commerce Council to implement a gastromercado in the hands of the small businessmen who remain there.
4) Solution to the empty and abandoned houses
5) Solution to the aesthetic aspect of the exteriors of both public and private buildings . The City Council must enforce the Ordinance of Coexistence that obliges people to maintain both the plots and the buildings in good condition, and we also demand that the City Council complies with its own ordinances.
6) An efficient and sustainable public transport . The urban transport of Xàbia is a service that needs a general rethinking. We propose to install regular lines of electric minibuses that communicate the center with the other urban nuclei, with a frequency of 10-15 minutes. Also make the train travel back to town.
7) Guarantee a solution to the parking problem . From Xàbia Histórica we propose the creation of a special allowance at reduced prices for business workers and neighbours so that everyone can park their vehicles in public car parks and free spaces in the streets for tourists and visitors. Including cleaning of plots and their conversion, if so agreed with the owners, as car parks.
8) Creation of a platform for quality control and aesthetics of the commercial premises, streets, infrastructures, cleaning and coordination of the historical centre. In order to be able to beautify and curate the evolution of the historic centre, control the cleaning of roads and sidewalks, as well as lighting.
9) Central Cinema. Recovery of the project to create a multifunctional building in the Central Cinema. From Xàbia Histórico we want to propose the study of the creation of a space with cinema, workshops, theater, monologues, artistic schools and events room. (Eds Note: Agenda21 has an alternative proposal for this building see: Agenda21 proposal Central Cinema)
10) North and South ring road and church square : replacing the cobbles of the ring roads with asphalt and changing the pavement of the square back to what was there before.